
What is Podcasting? A podcast is like an audio broadcast. Here are a few reasons to for students to create podcasts:
*  Literacy skills - although each podcast lasts only  typically, anywhere from 1-7 minutes, preparation time is needed. The children have to research their topic, music and anything else they add to liven it up (jokes, sounds).They also have to think of questions to ask their interviewees, as well as writing the scripts for the podcast.
* Speaking and listening skills - presenting a podcast requires the development of clear speaking skills.
* Team work skills - Collaborative podcasts require a considerable team effort.
 Here are a few  tools that can be used for Podcasting.
Audacity: Your teacher computer and cart 1 computers already have Audacity on them.
This is a very basic way to record a podcast (grades K-3). After the podcast has been recorded, it can be downloaded as an MP3.
 Smartboard: Use your Smartboard to record a podcast  
~Let me know if you would like for me to help you with Podcasting!